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Hit the road, Jack…

We sold our home, our things, loaded the car boot and hit the road.


It’s crazy, unreal, unbelievable…


Here’s the message we sent to family and friends the day after we reached our first stop on our travels.

So, why did we do it?

We were ready for change. A life change. A fresh start. A new beginning. An adventure that we’ve always talked about doing and kept putting off.

We’ve been dreaming, fantasising, wondering what it would be like to sell everything… to let things go; the material, the emotional, the physical and psychological and more... Be bold and dare to live in a whole new way.

And I’m not gonna lie…

It felt way too daunting. Terrifying in fact. So, we dismissed it… We put it on the back burner believing it would be something that we’d do when the kids grew up, when we had more money, when the time was right, when we could step away from our businesses…

But, then we thought… Screw it!

Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith. Here's a tale about a courageous frog who defied the odds because he didn't give up! WATCH THIS VIDEO.

We Decided To Set Ourselves Free

Being a homeschooling family and running businesses from home, our world felt like it shrank so much when the pandemic swept through the world.

All of a sudden, the kid's clubs and activities shut down and they couldn’t see their friends as much because the schools were being closed due to outbreaks.

At times we felt trapped… As I’m sure you did too from time to time. It was hard and uncertain times for everyone.

Finding Our Feet

The kids are in their element and loving every new place we visit. We're totally besotted with the new puppy we got last week and enjoy the fact that with every change of scene comes the creation of new memories, which is a joy to behold.

I think for me and Drew ~ things are taking a little longer to settle. I’m thrilled and buzzing to be able to live out a dream but at the same time…

I’d be lying if I said there aren’t times when the magnitude of what we’ve done and are doing hits me.

Be Kind, Be Patient

Sometimes I have to remind myself that there are days when I’ll feel things more than others. I’ll worry somedays more than others. I’ll doubt myself and question my decision…

And that’s OK. The key is to be kind, patient, tender and real… Especially, when those "real" emotions are raw, unfiltered and unyielding.

It’s OK. It's all OK.

It’s not that life is short…

It’s that life is long enough to create magical and extraordinary memories if you choose to do so.

It’s scary as hell but I think your soul rejoices when you move in the direction of your destiny.

And the style, shape, and size of your destiny are down to you.

You are in control of the life and business you wish to create, cultivate and curate. It’s ALL up to you, my love.

I’ve been away for a couple of weeks - now you know why!

And it felt a little weird to post a video about websites and copywriting stuff without taking a hot minute to bring you up to speed and take you behind the scenes so to speak.

Would you like me to share a little more about my travels and how I’m juggling running my small creative business while on the road? Let me know in the comments.

I'll be back next week with a brand new video... If you don’t have a website and you’re on the fence about having one then keep your eyes peeled for it. I think it will answer many of your burning questions.

Alright, my love, till next time


P.S. We said goodbye to our beautiful bouncy yellow lab last year after 12 and half wonderful years together. We miss him dearly but it's so lovely to have the energy of a puppy in our home again. READ ABOUT RILEY HERE


Feb 12, 2022

Yes! Share, share and share, would love to hear of you experience as you travel on a new road. How we choose to curate, cultivate and create our own life - yes up to us because at the end of the day? who has been watching, who's opinion really counts?

Feb 13, 2022
Replying to

Aww, thank you so much, Victoria! I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for sharing, darling. I will be sure to keep you posted 😘 Sending love you way ❤️

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